I asked @thediaryofayoungman yesterday: "is it okay to be friends with your ex?" he said ofcourse!
Break ups are the hardest. One day you're so in love then one day you lost. Yea, its like a game of how long will you hold on and make the relationship work. Beating against all odds, the game entitles you to have 3 extra life and different set of power ups just to survive but when you are too weak keeping up with the strategy you made then the game is over! Loser.
Giving that person a chance is like the impossible thing ever. You went through love rehab: follow the link: http://empressmyrthe.tumblr.com/post/28545601028/love-rehab then here you are, coming back as if nothing happened. Its like a broken glass than you couldnt fix. That's trust!
You'll have a hard time trusting that person all over again knowing what he did before, what you went through.
Maybe its okay, but it takes time. Yeah? I surveyed and asked some of my friends if it's really okay. 50% said yes and 50% said NO. If you're going to ask me, it depends if it is unforgivable then NO. LOL! Nah, like what I said it takes time to let a wound to be healed. But if they are willing to win your friendship again. Please make an effort in doing so. Cause you broke someone's heart and it wasnt easy for that person to coupe up when you left him or her hanging when you left.
It's like starting over again. But this time. He/She will be more careful. Trust me they are still fragile but tough enough to face you again!
-Empressmyrthe My life is a sweet misery
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