Thursday, August 9, 2012

The Untold Story of a Broken Heart

I asked @thediaryofayoungman  yesterday: "is it okay to be friends with your ex?" he said ofcourse!
Break ups are the hardest. One day you're so in love then one day you lost. Yea, its like a game of how long will you hold on and make the relationship work. Beating against all odds, the game entitles you to have 3 extra life and different set of power ups just to survive but when you are too weak keeping up with the strategy you made then the game is over! Loser.
Giving that person a chance is like the impossible thing ever. You went through love rehab: follow the link:  then here you are, coming back as if nothing happened. Its like a broken glass than you couldnt fix. That's trust!
You'll have a hard time trusting that person all over again knowing what he did before, what you went through.
Maybe its okay, but it takes time. Yeah? I surveyed and asked some of my friends if it's really okay. 50% said yes and 50% said NO. If you're going to ask me, it depends if it is unforgivable then NO. LOL! Nah, like what I said it takes time to let a wound to be healed. But if they are willing to win your friendship again. Please make an effort in doing so. Cause you broke someone's heart and it wasnt easy for that person to coupe up when you left him or her hanging when you left.
It's like starting over again. But this time. He/She will be more careful. Trust me they are still fragile but tough enough to face you again! 

-Empressmyrthe My life is a sweet misery

How To Mend A Broken Heart (RP)

There are three stages you'll walk through ;)
Short of throwing yourself off the nearest bridge, you resort to hiding in your bed for days, comforted only by the fact that at least you have a year’s supply of pizza and donuts by your bedside and your answering machine is on the alert in the hopeful case that your once loved one might call and beg to have you back.
Only, that call never comes. You wish the earth would open you up and swallow you whole. Sound familiar?
Cases like this happens everyday.
Falling in love has its risks and you’ve just experienced it first hand. You want your life back but don’t know the first thing about how to get out of that black cloud that hovers over you, or even finding the energy to do it.
What do you do?
Acknowledge the fact that you have to go through three different stages during a break-up. Once you realize this, you can chart your progress and see that it’s only a short trip to recovery.


Symptoms: This is the hurting stage. It’s where you are now. It’s your heart’s way of telling you that you have just experienced the worse kind of hurt there is. You cry, you’re depressed and you have no idea how you are going to live without him/her. You leave messages on his answering machine and text him to the point where you are becoming psycho. You drive by his house in the wee early morning to see if his vehicle is still at his house or he is – gulp – off with another woman. You drive by where he works and contemplate going in and crying your eyeballs out to let him know this has hurt you beyond repair. You either eat tremendous amounts of comfort food or you don’t eat at all and your health suffers. You cry on your co-worker’s shoulders and hope they can help you get out of this mess. You are, essentially, gone and a hopeless mess.
How to cope: Now more than ever would be a good time to hang out with friends and watch a few comedies, even though you just aren’t up to it. Rekindle family relationships. Talk to older family members about how they met their husbands/wives and how they coped with troubled relationships. Gain insight from them. Try to remember things that brought you happiness. Was it a bike ride through the countryside? A trip to the beach even in the cold of winter just to watch the waves lap against the shore? How about that closet that is in desperate need of rearranging/cleaning/sorting? Now is the time to focus on you.
You have to acknowledge that this is the normal process of grieving a relationship that has died. Nothing can really help at this point because as with the death of a loved one, this is the same feeling. It’s a natural process. Give it time and remember that soon you will enter the second stage.


Symptoms: Remarkably, when your heart begins to heal, your hurt turns to anger. What nerve he/she had to dump me! You vow you’re going to make his/her life a living hell as long as you are alive. You start dating. Only, these are rebounds. Rebound relationships most times happen in this second stage. Some last, but most do not for the simple reason that you will do anything in your power to inflict pain on the one who did it to you.
How to cope: Once you get to this stage, you’re halfway there. Even though anger is not a healthy feeling to have, it is a normal reaction after you’ve gotten over the feeling of hurt. However, instead of going postal and risk the chance you may do something you’ll regret later, take his/her picture and throw darts at it. Burn love letters. Finalize the break-up by getting rid of everything you have of his/hers. But keep in mind that years from now, you’ll wish you did have some kind of remembrance of the relationship because it’s all part of your life history. Whatever you do keep, look at it as a symbol of how well you did cope and can look at the relationship as a learning experience.


Symptoms: You wake up one morning and ask yourself what you saw in this person in the first place. Nothing he/she does now bothers you. In fact, you are happy he/she has left because you are ready now to form new relationships, new loves.
How to Cope: You are there. When you hit this last stage, you have finally come to the point where you can go on from here and form new relationships. Relationships that aren’t rebound. When you finally get to this last stage, you will become the person you once were – full of happiness, hope and a quest for life.
Once you realize the three stages of a break-up, it helps you to understand the process that is involved. Just as it took time to fall in love, you don’t just fall out of it overnight.
It helps to remember that there will always be a tomorrow and that there is always that second chance to find that special person who is meant to share his/her life with you. Life is full of second, third and even more chances. So, pick up your heart, go through the process to heal and chalk it all up to experience. You’ll be glad you did. In the words of an unknown author, “Never forget what is worth remembering or remember what is best forgotten.”
{{ Giving the Credits to Love Monkey who owns this Blog, I just Re-post this one}}

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Love Rehab

Once a girl got hurt, she wont ever forget the day, the person and how it happened. I assure you she will forgive that person in time but will never ever forget what happened that day.
Every girls mistake:
She easily falls in love without even thinking it twice.
She believes every promises he swears.
She assumes that she’s the only one that guy talks to.
She expects too much.
She gives too much.
Every guys mistake:
He takes her for granted.
He takes advantage of her weakness.
He promises a lot.
He’s pride is bigger than his balls.
He say’s sorry and then he leaves.
The Beginning:
A guy would tell her that he likes her so much. And when the girl fell in love so bad, the guy would tell her the things he’ll do for her. A guy would make a girl believe that he’s not like the other man. He’ll ask for something and she wont even ?hesitate to give it in an instant. This is all wrong! 

At the END:
When they got into misunderstanding, fight or even break ups. A guy you used to knew that he was your everything turned out to be a soap bubble. Suddenly you’ll gain a super powers “The invincible” He wont even notice you, tries to ignores you. The guy who told you he was not like everyone else turned out to be just like one of them. 

Moving on,Get over it:
There are lots of ways how to move on. The very first thing you need to do is:
Lock yourself in your most comfortable zone, if you feel like crying then do it. Think about the things what went wrong, was it your fault? If yes, then accept it. At this point of momentum you will remember everything as if everything goes back form the time you met that person. My best advice: Just cry your heart out. It helps a lot. You might dehydrate your self at that time but at least you’ll get better after.

After that day, list all the things you want to do. Be with friends who knows about your situation. Hang out with them in a crowded place and have fun. Next, Keep your self busy for the next few days. Make your self unavailable, do the things you really want because now is your chance to have time for yourself. You must feel exhausted at the end of the day so when you go to bed you’ll easily fall asleep and you wont have the time to think about the unnecessary things. 
For the next couple of weeks, you wont even noticed that you’ve already moved on. Somehow, You’ll miss the person, but you will never take one step back to let that guy hurt you again. At this point, you’ve already learned a lot. Maintaining happiness is your next goal. Fulfill your dreams, stay tough and strong! :)

For every wound, there is a scar. And every scar tells a story. A story that says: I survived.
-EmpressMyrthe, my life is a sweet misery!