Monday, December 19, 2011

Got INke’D? #LOL Just tried the newest craze last weekend— My Colored Henna! ♥ I just cant wait for the REAL one! 

Up close view, just right after its done! Colors are still visible here! 

Since the 1st day of December, i wasn't going out. I wasn't hangging out with my friends. I was just going to school and going straight home. How pathetic am I? haha I spent all day at home and doing house chores plus homework all weekend, all through out for 3 weeks. I was concentrating for the prelims exam that is why. Im a good girl. Hahaha! After exams I saw this coming.... I went out with my friends, got beer, grind at the dance floor, hit my spot and there you go I had my colored henna after  all the tiring stuffs I've done. My guy friend Dj let me have this. Thanks to him! 

Thursday, September 1, 2011

hail the Long weekend! Tsss!

This is my most awaiting long weekend, it is suppose to be the most happiest week ever for this semester but then again-- it was ruined by this typhoon Mina! UGH!!!! Hahaha..
Bored and cant barely get out of my crib. Went out after 2 days for grocery, stayed at home just to eat, sleep, watch and crave- eat! eat! LOL When I can finally go out, we went drinking with some friends, then back being a bummer. These are some photos I attached:

Photo as of today!

This was last Tuesday, went drinking at city lights!

Went out to have dinner.

Been craving Ice cream though it was so cold!

And this is just me looking fab! lol this wasnt count for this long weekend. I just attached this! Haha

Monday, August 22, 2011

I am no Quitter!

Graduated at year 2005. When I was in Highschool I was a straight Star section student! I took college entrance test to different prestige college schools at Manila. But I ended up enrolling at Saint Louis University in Baguio City. My first choice was BS-Nursing, when I enrolled they told me its already at its maximum capacity. Then I was yearning to enroll BS-Pharmacy and yet they told me its full and all sections are closed, the registrars office advised me to take BS-Medical technology because they have the same minor subjects anyway. So I took their advice and enrolled as a Med tech student. When I was in first year I gained a lot of friends, tried dealing with Marijunana (how did it happen?) Cause everyone was giving me some, but I am not really using it, instead of be tempted I sell those freebies they gave me. Haha! I had my first huge crush on this one boy who I met at National book store at Sm. At the first day of school, I saw him inside the campus. I named him NBS because it is where I met him. lool He was the reason why I go and hang out at Diego Silang Canteen. lol lol lol! this is the year when I first tried dissecting a frog and put back its bone all together. Its the first and last I guess. haha! Met some guys along the way and befriended with them. I had my 3 best of girl friends and we hang out everyday. It was my first time to go to Nevada square-- where party people go! We were there because my friends crush was there, we were stalking him and ended up there! lol lol lol Crazy things we do! The second time I went there was with my girlfriend named Kim. That was the first time I saw a gang fight. Second semester has ended!

I shifted to BS-Pharmacy, and met new set of friends again! :) And started to be bad! Bahaha. I met influential people and I was tempted. Im starting to cut class, going to class with the influence of alcohol. Met new guys again. Haha I was totally out of my mind. So all of my grades went down. I was so not my self so I wanted to shift again. Second semester was ended! lol

All summer I was so stressed of thinking what will course will I take, cause Im shifting to a new one again. But my heart was in Natural Sciences so I decided to take dentistry since my minor subjects I took will be credited.

I shifted and transferred to University of Baguio and enrolled Dentistry at 2007. My first two years at UB was pretty amazing I was so tamed. Haha I never cut class and never absent. For two years I was a Pre-dentistry! I gained a lot of friends again because I always cross enroll to different college departments. I had classmates from Criminology, MedTech, Nursing, I.T, Engineering students. Haha I am universal. lol lol And now I am recently a Second year-Dentistry Proper. I am now handling live patients and in the processes of making them a removable prosthesis. 2 more years and Im getting there! Today was actually our first day of our midterm exam. My exam today was one of our board exam subject. I passed my Prelim grade but for this midterms Im doubting it. Yes I am having a hard time with my subjects today, and for these past days I am so worried. i dont want to delay myself again. I keep on telling my self that i am not a quitter!

Monday, March 28, 2011


I keep asking myself if I ever changed. I mean by means of growing up. What is like growing up during my childhood days? Well I am more of a rebel but no one in my family notices it. As matter of fact I started smoking and drinking when I was in my freshman years. I go home late since I was in junior. Maybe because there was no father image beside me back those days. Though I had the best grandma who disciplined me. My two loving uncles who taught me how to respect the others. Of course my great mom who was back then very strict but then supportive. She raised me with their help. As the first born granddaughter I can get what I want, but I was too spoiled and I learned how to steal money from them just to get what I wanted. I was so evil. I was a brat!

But back when I was a child, I wasn’t just living a brat for all of those days. I never wanted to be courted by boys like my age. I throw away flowers that they gave me. I never wanted to play with poor kids, look how mean I am. I don’t want to be kissed by some old guys, it feels eewy! Haha! I like wearing my favorite dress over and over again, even wearing my favorite shoe wear every single day. When I was younger I like rambutan so much, my most favorite fruit was Watermelon/ Melon. I love jelly ace so much! I love watching Disney channel. I love reading fairytales and imagining myself that I am one of those princess in the storybook. I had my first cell phone when I was in grade 5 I think, I keep changing my phone back then because my uncle was a Smart telecommunication dealer. Cool right? Haha I used to have my own diary, I had two small notebooks with locks. Small one when I was in my junior days and another one when I was in High school. I love hanging out in our roof top, when I was being scolded I go up and just watch the stars. That’s the time when I fell in love with the moon.

When I look up on it, I feel so relieved especially back then when I was being scolded. The last time I remember that I hang out with the moon when my uncle slap me on my face because they were all fighting and I was there to defend my mom and it just happened he slap me, that was my first time someone laid his hands on my face. Slap attack! Lol Oh well the full moon keeps reminding about all these things, but it doesn’t mean every time I look at it I am hurting. I am so relieved seeing how beautiful it is from a far.

Jewel's original

Monday, January 10, 2011

Friendship does it last

The best feeling in the world could be best described as peaceful. Whether you are luckily wealthy, in love, or let’s just say just simply comfortably happy even just for a day. And what could be the worst feeling ever? It is the intense word called Betrayal.

The often questions asked is do you have friends? Merely friends I suppose. All through these years passed I couldn’t tell to myself if where is the right time to assess a real friendship that bounded for almost a lifetime. We call them friends if we do something for them in favor, happily bonded overnight, laughing at silly jokes, tripping like we’re on high, places that we visit that reminds us of the things that we used to do. But isn’t it the times that we are in deep shit of trouble? Or telling your friend that he/she might have wrong decisions? A friend that is about to end his/her life and you couldn’t give such relieving advice. Well come to think of it, name one if you do have now?

Well here comes what we call betrayal, playing safe in front of the others just to protect the other one. What for? Why couldn't you just tell the truth and let it out to settle the problem in the first place? Or staying away just to let it flow. A single absence could change the entire flow of friendship, did you hardly notice it? A jealousy could cause a trouble too, even insecurities.

All I’m saying even me; I’m not a perfect comrade. But backstabbing a friend is the least or the last thing I would do. Everything I am now, they all knew about it. And sometimes I do feel it to, it feels like no one is around, no one could help you resolve things. The only one I've got is me. Myself. Now,ask your self if you can be a good one.

Even for once try to consider the real meaning of friendship and ask your self. Did I make a big difference out of it?
Let me share a lil quote: "A true friends Understands your PAST, Believes in your FUTURE, and Accepts you TODAY"

Jewel's original