Monday, December 19, 2011

Got INke’D? #LOL Just tried the newest craze last weekend— My Colored Henna! ♥ I just cant wait for the REAL one! 

Up close view, just right after its done! Colors are still visible here! 

Since the 1st day of December, i wasn't going out. I wasn't hangging out with my friends. I was just going to school and going straight home. How pathetic am I? haha I spent all day at home and doing house chores plus homework all weekend, all through out for 3 weeks. I was concentrating for the prelims exam that is why. Im a good girl. Hahaha! After exams I saw this coming.... I went out with my friends, got beer, grind at the dance floor, hit my spot and there you go I had my colored henna after  all the tiring stuffs I've done. My guy friend Dj let me have this. Thanks to him!