Thursday, September 1, 2011

hail the Long weekend! Tsss!

This is my most awaiting long weekend, it is suppose to be the most happiest week ever for this semester but then again-- it was ruined by this typhoon Mina! UGH!!!! Hahaha..
Bored and cant barely get out of my crib. Went out after 2 days for grocery, stayed at home just to eat, sleep, watch and crave- eat! eat! LOL When I can finally go out, we went drinking with some friends, then back being a bummer. These are some photos I attached:

Photo as of today!

This was last Tuesday, went drinking at city lights!

Went out to have dinner.

Been craving Ice cream though it was so cold!

And this is just me looking fab! lol this wasnt count for this long weekend. I just attached this! Haha